Workplace Wellbeing Passport®️

The Wellbeing Collaboration’s newest product is included in ALL packages that we offer. Don’t delay, get your’s today.

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(Utilise this space to summarise yourself in both a personal and professional capacity)
(Line manager / HR etc.)
(Review as and when required, try not leave longer than 6 months)
(This is a reminder of why you are in the industry / role you are. Think about what values your company and role align to within yourself and where you get your job satisfaction from)
Selected Value: 1
(Everyones journey in life is unique and every person experiences general ups and downs. Utilise this space to consider what is going really well in your life and what might be a struggle at this time. Consider life events, changes of circumstances, health factors, mental health and wellbeing needs as well as stage of life etc.)
Selected Value: 1

My personal strengths and how these show at work are:

(Consider hobbies, interests, formal and informal coping mechanisms, peer support, support network, specific strategies, managing work life balance, taking annual leave, self-care etc.)
(Consider short, medium and long term adaptations and flexibility that is both practical and helpful. Strategies need to have a purpose and improve your ability to function in the workplace. Be specific so that everyone knows what can be expected of you and them.)
(i.e. if we both commit to the above – what should we see as a result?)
(Consider thoughts, feelings and behaviour, as well as what others might see or notice)
(Consider practical and emotional strategies for support e.g. check in, flexibility in working arrangements, peer support, noticing the positives, access to a mental health professional).
(Inform them – consider who you could reach out to at work, review this document, self-refer for professional support via TWC’s packages, ensure coping mechanisms are being utilised etc.)