Our Services

We want to collaborate with organisations which are committed to the wellbeing of their business, and join forces with you to elevate and enhance mental health and wellbeing in your workplace.


Making psychological support easy and accessible

TWC offers a unique and personalised service to take care of the wellbeing of your workforce. Healthy staff are happier, more productive and are more likely to stay loyal to your business.

As an employer, you have a responsibility to work with your employees to promote positive wellbeing. Let TWC collaborate with you to make this a reality. Run by Dr Katie Jackson a Clinical Psychologist, we offer turnkey and bespoke packages, designed to suit your business needs.

One of the biggest concerns for employers is understanding and supporting employees’ mental health. With TWC, every one of your employees will receive access to our online ‘Wellbeing Hub’ containing straight forward mental health self-help information, mental health online training packages and webinars. For many, this will be sufficient to enhance their wellbeing. However, as a member organisation we can work with you to design your own mental health employee assist package that works flexibly for your employees.

Furthermore, you can commission bespoke training packages from TWC, access expert coaching sessions, and have wellbeing consultants on hand to support you to embed positive wellbeing into the fabric of your company. If this sounds like something you are interested in, then please get in touch to discuss further.

Wellbeing requires specialist expertise, TWC will guide you through the process of supporting your employee’s mental health and provide practical impartial advice.

For Employers

Taking care of the lifeforce of your business

Ultimately, if you take care of your employees then they will take care of you.  Focused, happy staff bring themselves to work, are more productive, have fewer absences and make stronger teams.

  • According to large scale research carried out by Deloitte (read full report here).
    • Nearly half of all ill health absences at work are caused by stress, anxiety or low mood
    • Mental health costs UK businesses up to £45Billion
    • Returns are high for employers, for every £1 you invest, you can expect a return of £5
  • We will work with you to understand the unique needs of your employees
  • Turnkey and tailored, bespoke affordable packages
  • Designed by a Clinical Psychologist (Specialist doctor in mental health)
  • Healthier staff are more productive and more likely to stay loyal to your business

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For Employees

Providing employees with instant access to flexible and personalised support at a time convenient to them

Sourcing your own support in an area unknown can lead to a minefield of options, and you may not know which way to turn.

Allow us to streamline the process by having access to our Wellbeing Hub and professional triage system, which will match you to the appropriate support without delay, saving you time, money, and leaving you in the best hands possible.

  • Life is hard – understanding distress as a normal part of everyday life, however, with support you can learn to thrive
  • Find useful self-help information, videos and resources in our online Wellbeing Hub
  • Designed by a Clinical Psychologist
  • Find everything you need in one place

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For Associates

Streamlined, appropriate referrals, ensuring that working with TWC is easy and enjoyable

As an associate with TWC we want you to feel connected and part of the team.  Given that TWC has been founded by a Clinical Psychologist, special consideration has been given to the process of us working together.

Here at TWC we collaborate with employers to offer much more than 1:1 therapy sessions and therefore if you have skills, experience or a passion for developing within training, coaching, team development, wellbeing strategy and culture change, then we would love to hear from you.

  • Diligent sign up process to assure you and our partners that we value high quality, evidence based therapeutic interventions
  • You, your profession and expertise will be valued
  • You will see that our triage system streamlines the referral process
  • You will receive a variety of work, suited to your expertise
  • Prompt payment
  • Minimal admin

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